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Breakfast Club

Good Morning Teacher Catering Service

Breakfast is served! An exclusive service for teachers and the schools they work with, Fasolini's Catering wants to deliver breakfast and coffee to you.

We offer Breakfast options that are sure to fulfill your appetite. When enough teachers sign up for our breakfast catering option we will deliver food to your school. And don't worry, we promise to be there before class starts. We offer weekly and monthly options as well as food delivery daily.

With your purchase and support, Fasolini's will also donate part of the proceeds back to your school to help fund and grow programs of your choice. We strongly believe in the value of education and want to show our support fo all educators and the work you do. Thank you. We look forward to catering to you. 


Please view our menu below and hit the Order Button when you are ready. Thank you 


Young Teacher

Good Morning Teacher Catering Service

Let Us Cater to You

Breakfast Club: Services

Orders per week 
2days / 3days / 4days / 5days

*Order for the whole month and receive a 10% discount (Excludes 2 days).
We donate 10% of the total proceeds back to your school

Menu Below
Breakfast Club: Text
Copy of Menu's.png
Breakfast Club: Video
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